Apart from photography and videography, there’s also other non-visible aspects of the company. This is where Ariëlle steps in. Ariëlle is the one responsible of the offset coordination of the team, bookings, follow-up with clients, delivery process, as well as administration and accounting duties.
She is also our marketing strategist and community manager.
My relationship with Sk’eyes is based on making dreams come true. Sk’eyes helps me every day of my life not only in doing what I love but also in becoming the person I have always wanted to be. I’m forever thankful for the opportunity I was granted to join the team officially just after my tertiary studies.
My role at Sk’eyes is not only about managing the day-to-day activities, but it’s mainly about leading the team to reach our clients’ expectations and satisfaction, & also making sure that every step being taken aligns with the organization's goals and principles.
Au delà de mes devoirs envers la compagnie, Sk'eyes a toujours cru en moi de la même manière que j'y ai cru depuis le tout début. Je pense que c'est cette confiance qui m'aide à toujours donner le meilleur de moi-même au sein de l'équipe.
Proposer de l'art peut sembler un concept assez complexe en premier lieu, mais c'est aussi une expérience formidable de permettre aux autres d'expérimenter la photographie et la vidéographie à la façon Sk'eyes...
Longue vie à cette équipe de passionnés…
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